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Hvad er et fleksibelt bidrag?

Ved et fleksibelt bidrag angiver donorer ikke betingelser for anvendelsen af bidraget, således at WFP kan bestemme hvilket landeprogram eller hvilke aktiviteter som bidraget skal bruges på, og hvordan det vil blive brugt. 

Hvad er vigtigheden ved fleksible midler?

Fleksible bidrag er afgørende for vores beredskab i nødsituationer, langsigtet bistand og genopretningsindsatser, når og hvor end behovet er størst. Fleksible midler giver WFP den største fleksibilitet og forudsigelighed til at sætte gang i operationer, finansiere forsømte kriser og i sidste ende forbedre vores respons til dem der er mest sårbare.  

Se den historiske finansiering af fleksible midler.

Læs mere om anvendelsen af fleksible midler her:

Use of Flexible (former Multilateral) and Immediate Response Account Funding - 2019

Use of Flexible (former Multilateral) and Immediate Response Account Funding - 2018

Use of Flexible (former Multilateral) and Immediate Response Account Funding - 2017


Flexible Contributions

Donors US$
Austria 30,541,655
Belgium 10,776,062
Chile 20,000
Denmark 30,078,466
Estonia 43,150
Finland 9,834,986
France 6,500,542
Germany 67,110,942
Iceland 1,641,450
Ireland 27,412,281
Italy 2,143,623
Kazakhstan 30,000
Liechtenstein 336,772
Luxembourg 2,324,686
Netherlands 65,075,922
Norway 41,676,789
New Zealand 3,680,982
Panama 1,000
Slovenia 1,190,720
Sweden 64,200,549
Switzerland 1,888,119
United Kingdom 25,094,103
Private Donors 16,163,859
All Donors in 2024 as at 01/07/2024 407,766,658

Multilateral Allocations

Allocations US$
Afghanistan 16,183,000
Algeria 3,209,568
Angola 626,551
Armenia 570,208
Bangladesh 3,632,662
Benin 1,646,247
Bhutan 446,338
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 760,456
Burkina Faso 6,806,744
Burundi 705,853
Cambodia 602,710
Cameroon 1,877,131
Caribbean Community 2,149,909
Central African Republic 6,135,631
Chad 5,008,846
Colombia 1,861,369
Democratic Republic of the Congo 17,209,627
Côte d'Ivoire 3,854,840
Cuba 525,489
Djibouti 2,368,319
Dominican Republic 651,906
Ecuador 1,798,066
Egypt 608,593
El Salvador 598,254
Eswatini 583,746
Ethiopia 14,207,214
Gambia 524,443
Ghana 1,434,590
Guatemala 1,792,971
Guinea 992,672
Guinea-Bissau 1,688,712
Haiti 4,558,510
Honduras 1,859,940
India 608,649
Indonesia 889,432
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 2,150,072
Iraq 2,892,993
Jordan 4,833,358
Kenya 7,683,423
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 900,295
Kyrgyz Republic 562,411
Lao People's Democratic Republic 527,449
Lebanon 10,998,554
Lesotho 1,944,004
Liberia 624,161
Libya 1,246,012
Madagascar 1,608,558
Malawi 13,451,790
Mali 4,087,929
Mauritania 6,221,056
Republic of Moldova 527,223
Mozambique 2,495,251
Myanmar 2,499,548
Namibia 637,922
Nepal 512,627
Nicaragua 1,705,841
Niger 4,457,103
Nigeria 6,553,280
Pacific Islands COs 1,370,980
Pakistan 2,014,154
Peru 781,612
Philippines 564,727
Congo 825,414
Rwanda 556,294
Sao Tome and Principe 320,488
Senegal 583,429
Sierra Leone 409,733
Somalia 11,832,985
South Sudan 13,552,579
Sri Lanka 1,039,393
Palestine 15,322,563
Sudan 4,314,048
Syrian Arab Republic 16,821,417
Tajikistan 584,711
United Republic of Tanzania 694,065
Timor-Leste 518,639
Togo 649,119
Tunisia 481,525
Türkiye 607,495
Uganda 11,210,306
Ukraine 3,513,264
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1,442,506
Yemen 27,420,223
Zambia 3,298,520
Zimbabwe 2,267,112
All Allocations in 2024 as at 01/07/2024 311,365,843