Fleksible midler
Hvad er et fleksibelt bidrag?
Ved et fleksibelt bidrag angiver donorer ikke betingelser for anvendelsen af bidraget, således at WFP kan bestemme hvilket landeprogram eller hvilke aktiviteter som bidraget skal bruges på, og hvordan det vil blive brugt.
Hvad er vigtigheden ved fleksible midler?
Fleksible bidrag er afgørende for vores beredskab i nødsituationer, langsigtet bistand og genopretningsindsatser, når og hvor end behovet er størst. Fleksible midler giver WFP den største fleksibilitet og forudsigelighed til at sætte gang i operationer, finansiere forsømte kriser og i sidste ende forbedre vores respons til dem der er mest sårbare.
Se den historiske finansiering af fleksible midler.
Læs mere om anvendelsen af fleksible midler her:
Use of Flexible (former Multilateral) and Immediate Response Account Funding - 2019
Use of Flexible (former Multilateral) and Immediate Response Account Funding - 2018
Use of Flexible (former Multilateral) and Immediate Response Account Funding - 2017
Flexible Contributions
Donors | US$ |
UN | 280,800 |
Australia | 26,143,791 |
Austria | 33,141,872 |
Belgium | 10,776,062 |
Canada | 23,312,010 |
China | 200,000 |
Chile | 20,000 |
Cyprus | 53,777 |
Denmark | 30,078,466 |
Estonia | 43,150 |
Finland | 11,417,265 |
France | 10,834,236 |
Germany | 496,212,781 |
Hungary | 20,000 |
Iceland | 1,641,450 |
Ireland | 27,412,281 |
Italy | 2,143,623 |
Kazakhstan | 30,000 |
Republic of Korea | 26,000,000 |
Liechtenstein | 336,772 |
Lithuania | 111,857 |
Luxembourg | 2,324,686 |
Netherlands | 68,240,479 |
Norway | 43,810,452 |
New Zealand | 6,309,799 |
Panama | 1,000 |
Poland | 1,224,640 |
Portugal | 10,000 |
Qatar | 5,000,000 |
Slovakia | 15,000 |
Slovenia | 1,713,596 |
Sweden | 106,171,521 |
Switzerland | 28,481,652 |
United Kingdom | 51,129,666 |
United States of America | 15,000,000 |
Private Donors | 31,998,785 |
All Donors in 2024 as at 16/12/2024 | 1,061,641,469 |
Multilateral Allocations
Allocations | US$ |
Afghanistan | 30,028,000 |
Algeria | 5,413,655 |
Angola | 3,289,051 |
Armenia | 570,208 |
Bangladesh | 6,739,847 |
Benin | 1,646,247 |
Bhutan | 446,338 |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | 760,456 |
Burkina Faso | 12,369,449 |
Burundi | 2,835,853 |
Cambodia | 602,710 |
Cameroon | 4,433,131 |
Caribbean Community | 3,587,659 |
Central African Republic | 9,863,131 |
Chad | 5,003,258 |
Colombia | 2,819,869 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | 24,664,627 |
Côte d'Ivoire | 4,387,720 |
Cuba | 1,590,489 |
Djibouti | 2,673,330 |
Dominican Republic | 1,184,406 |
Ecuador | 1,798,066 |
Egypt | 608,593 |
El Salvador | 1,556,754 |
Eswatini | 583,746 |
Ethiopia | 28,691,214 |
Gambia | 1,332,531 |
Ghana | 1,434,590 |
Guatemala | 1,792,971 |
Guinea | 992,672 |
Guinea-Bissau | 1,688,712 |
Haiti | 6,795,010 |
Honduras | 2,924,940 |
India | 608,649 |
Indonesia | 889,432 |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | 2,682,572 |
Iraq | 2,892,993 |
Jordan | 9,306,358 |
Kenya | 13,540,372 |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea | 900,295 |
Kyrgyz Republic | 562,411 |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | 527,449 |
Lebanon | 16,962,554 |
Lesotho | 3,861,004 |
Liberia | 1,263,161 |
Libya | 1,778,512 |
Madagascar | 2,788,000 |
Malawi | 17,179,290 |
Mali | 5,999,677 |
Mauritania | 6,221,056 |
Republic of Moldova | 406,456 |
Mozambique | 10,711,674 |
Myanmar | 4,629,548 |
Namibia | 1,702,922 |
Nepal | 512,627 |
Nicaragua | 3,143,591 |
Niger | 6,800,103 |
Nigeria | 11,665,280 |
Pacific Islands COs | 1,370,980 |
Pakistan | 2,014,154 |
Peru | 781,612 |
Philippines | 1,629,727 |
Congo | 908,005 |
Rwanda | 1,301,794 |
Sao Tome and Principe | 320,488 |
Senegal | 583,429 |
Sierra Leone | 409,733 |
Somalia | 21,184,173 |
South Sudan | 27,226,202 |
Sri Lanka | 1,039,393 |
Palestine | 15,322,563 |
Sudan | 19,011,048 |
Syrian Arab Republic | 30,772,917 |
Tajikistan | 584,711 |
United Republic of Tanzania | 1,439,565 |
Timor-Leste | 518,639 |
Togo | 1,714,119 |
Tunisia | 481,525 |
Türkiye | 607,495 |
Uganda | 14,192,306 |
Ukraine | 5,110,764 |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 1,442,506 |
Yemen | 31,613,126 |
Zambia | 4,022,720 |
Zimbabwe | 9,828,612 |
All Allocations in 2024 as at 16/12/2024 | 498,077,526 |